Healing Rooms
Throughout the ministry of Jesus Christ, he healed the sick, cast out demons and set people free. Jesus preached the Gospel of the Kingdom of heaven, and he demonstrated his power to glorify God. Preaching the Gospel was accompanied by signs and wonders, and we have been commissioned by Jesus to do the same. Jesus loves you and does not want you to live in torment, brokenness or oppression. The Healing Rooms is carrying on the ministry of Jesus through Harvest Fields Community Church to heal the sick and set the captives free.
15 And then He told them, “Go into all the world and preach the Good News to everyone. 16 Anyone who believes and is baptized will be saved. But anyone who refuses to believe will be condemned. 17 These miraculous signs will accompany whose who believe: They will cast out demons in my name, and they will speak in new languages. 18 They will be able to handle snakes with safety, and if they drink anything poisonous, it won’t hurt them. They will be able to place their hands on the sick and they will be healed.”
Mark 16: 15-18 NLT
Why do we need the Healing Rooms?
The HFCC Healing Room ministers dedicate their time to praying over people who are spiritually, emotionally and physically broken. Many times, this brokenness comes from physical abuse and trauma, childhood abandonment, verbal abuse, unrepented sin and many times unforgiveness. These experiences leave people feeling weighed down emotionally and spiritually, it can leave them anxious, depressed or overwhelmed. We lead people in prayers that will release the pain and trauma of the past, help them to forgive those who have hurt them (including themselves) and relieve them of the heaviness that they carry. Many times, once the person has been released of these things, they also experience physical healing. If not, we pray for their physical healing as well.
What the ministry does
The HFCC Healing Rooms ministers dedicate their time to praying over people who are spiritually, emotionally and physically broken. Many times, this brokenness comes from physical abuse and trauma, childhood abandonment, verbal abuse, unrepented sin and many times unforgiveness. These experiences leave people feeling weighed down emotionally and spiritually, it can leave them anxious, depressed or overwhelmed. We lead people in prayers that will release the pain and trauma of the past, help them to forgive those who have hurt them (including themselves) and relieve them of the heaviness that they carry. Many times, once the person has been released of these things, they also experience physical healing. If not, we pray for their physical healing as well.
We also pray deliverance over those who are oppressed by demons to set people free. People can be oppressed by demons through open doors or portals to evil spiritual entities. Demons can only oppress a person if they have a “right” to stay. Rights can be given to demons through trauma, abuse, generational curses or sin, witchcraft, freemasonry and coming into agreement with spiritual things that are not of God (i.e., horror movies, profanity, new age, yoga etc.) When someone is “oppressed” they may sometimes act “out of character,” experiencing fits of rage or anger. They may have nightmares or hear voices telling them to do things that they know are sinful. They might have addictions such as alcoholism, drug addiction, gambling, pornography, etc. Many people feel confused, or feel like they are walking around in a fog and can’t think clearly. Many people say that they are not able to focus on reading the bible or praying – they instantly get “distracted.” These are just a few of the symptoms of being “oppressed.”
In order for a person to be set free in the healing rooms, they need to want freedom. They need to be willing to renounce all the ways the demons have entered and ask God for forgiveness. This will remove the “rights” the demons have, and they must flee in the name of Jesus. It is important to note, the person must be willing to live a life dedicated to obedience in Christ Jesus after deliverance.
Not everyone who is oppressed has sinned against God. Many times, people suffer from generational activities such as witchcraft, curses, or the unrepented sins of their parents. When someone experiences a tragic accident or physical/emotional abuse as a young child, those experiences can also open up portals and doorways to demonic entities. In the Healing Rooms, we understand the ways the demonic spirits can take hold in a person’s life and we do not assume everyone is living in sin.
How can I receive prayer in the Healing Rooms?
Sunday Sessions
Healing Rooms meet on the 3rd Sunday of each month after 2nd service.
If you want to receive prayer you need to stay in the Sanctuary after service and sign up with the Healing Rooms representative.
Everyone is seen on a first come first served basis, you can not “pre-register” or sign up on the website for prayer on Sunday.
The cut off for signing up to be seen in the healing rooms is 2:30 pm, or until we receive a maximum of 20 people.
Tuesday Sessions
You can sign up on the website for an appointment on a Tuesday evening for Healing and Deliverance prayer.
All appointments are scheduled for Tuesdays starting at 6:00pm.
When you sign up for prayer you will be contacted by our administrator who will schedule you for a specific Tuesday.
There may be a waiting list for Tuesday prayer time, if this is the case, the administrator will let you know.
If you do not want to wait, you can always come in on the 3rd Sunday of the month for prayer.
Sign up for Prayer
If you would like to make an appointment for a Tuesday Healing Rooms session, please sign up below. Sessions times begin at 6:00 pm. This is different from our Sunday Healing Room prayer time, which is first come, first served. If you have any questions, please contact Maria at MTrapenasso@hfccone.org.